Wahiawa Campus

Picture of Wahiawa office entrance
Located at Leilehua High School
1515 California Avenue, Wahiawa, HI  96786

Contact Us

Vice Principal:  Kevin Ginoza
Email: [email protected]
Registrar:  Li-Anne Yoshimura
Email: [email protected]
Phone:  808-305-3200
Fax:  808-621-7765
Email:[email protected]
Office Hours:  Mon-Fri:  7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Click here for directions
Register for a FREE Digital Literacy Class to learn computer basics!
If you are interested in learning computer basics, please register at the following link. www.bit.ly/wcsawahreg

Visiting Our Campuses/Sites - COVID-19 Protocols (Updated 7/26/2022)

Indoor and outdoor masking is optional, but highly encouraged.  HIDOE employees, contracted service providers, visitors and students must complete a wellness check each morning before going to school or work if fully vaccinated or not.  Please report any illness or COVID-19 exposure to the school or supervisor.  Review all of the requirements by clicking on the Daily Wellness Check and Return to School/Work Criteria Flyer below.

If you are not feeling well, please do not visit our campuses/sites or attend classes.  You may call our office instead and we will be happy to assist you.